Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Power to the People

Well, I don't think it is going to change the way big energy produces power. But on the other hand, it is an indication of what is possible, and it sounds like fun.

David Butcher's Pedal Powered Generator advertises $50 plans to build your own bike powered generator. If you buy the parts new, they cost about $230. If you recycle an old bike, you can do better.

There are videos and other information if you click the links on the left side tab. I was struck by this note under one of the videos:

At the Green House event in San Francisco, the PPPM simultaneously powers: Cell Phone charger, Desktop Fan, DVD Player, 2 LED and 2 Compact Fluorescent Lights and a Laptop (battery charging). Burners were interested to hear that a single 60 Watt incandescent light required more power than everything listed above combined.

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